In our training regime of easy runs, long runs, tempo runs, track work and strength work, we are continuously working at getting fitter, faster and stronger. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, but what if I told you that you could potentially make these sessions easier on your body by simply focusing on small postural changes? Teaching your body to habitually make minor changes to your form to remove bad habits and improve posture will effectively improve your running economy and help you to become a more efficient runner over time. Your running engine (that you are continuously working at making stronger) will automatically take less strain when you remove unnecessary loads from your runs.

I am currently presenting an online Form & Posture Series, New Episodes released every week. Join the RacePace Academy for Runners and watch at your own pace.

Completed Episodes:
The Brain

Keep Watching this space!!

For more info contact Clint on:
0824482879 (SMS/Whatsapp/Call)

If you would like us to come and talk at your club/shop/running group etc. Please also send me an email/call (info above) or go to our booking page and send us a message to book.

Topics that will make up the episode of the form and posture online series.

The Brain – The main driver of all movement and habits.

Stride Phases – The cycle of your running stride

Stride Length – The most efficient stride length

Stride Efficiency – Great leg turnover

Foot Strike – What happens when the foot touches down?

The Foot – The neglected

The Hands, Arms and Shoulders – Yes…. The upper body is important

The Core – The influence of the core in form and posture is underrated – Presented by Elsabé Hunter from Silverfox Transformations

Trunk Lean – Just a little

Breathing – What everybody wants to know.

Injury Risk – There is always a risk, how to reduce it.